Thore Vom Pferdehof
Thore is a 100% purebred stallion, he has been 30 day performance tested in Germany…
Torbjorn meaning Thore’s Bear is such a strong and expressive colt, I’m in awe of him whenever I watch him. He has an exquisite head and is very leggy and athletic. He sure is bold and friendly, like we would expect from Thore’s offspring. We have hopes for his future being here at the stud and taking over in his fathers footsteps. We are really excited to see what the KNN judges make of him when the opportunity arises to take him to be evaluated.
We have three foals due from him for spring 2023, that’s 100% fertility rate for his first season on one cover for each mare. Very pleasing results indeed and we sure are looking forward to seeing what he produces.
His sire, Thore, our resident stallion is of superb classic baroque bloodlines and has produced us impeccable foals time and time again and this cross is one of my favourites with the Andalusian and classic Knabstrupper complimenting each other so well.
His dam, Destinada, has been the perfect broodmare, she produces fantastic offspring each and every time and is the most wonderful nature herself and continues to pass that on to all of her foals. She is a Graded pure bred Spanish Andalusian registered PRE mare lifetime approved broodmare, imported from Spain by Negro Gato Stud and we purchased her from them in 2017. Since then she has been accepted into the KNN studbook as an approved outcross broodmare.
Thore is a 100% purebred stallion, he has been 30 day performance tested in Germany…
Sire: Yggdrasil Torbjorn Our foundation stallion, Thore Vom Pferdehof has left us now to retire…