Yggdrasil Daisy
Rosie’s first foal is a superb filly. We are so impressed with how she has…
Our stunning registered Shire Mare, Rosie has been a part of our family for a few years now, belonging to my husband as a ridden Shire. She’s a very nicely bred, well put together mare with a loving gentle nature and will put some warmbloods to shame with her moves.
We had our first foal from Rosie in 2019 by our classic stallion, Thore Vom Pferdehof. She was an incredible filly with great strength, athleticism, balance and was so bold and friendly. We don’t plan on her being a career broodmare, we were just filling time with her, but boy were we impressed. We then decided to us the frozen semen we have from Nobody’s for our second foal from her and yet again she did not disappoint. This mare is producing top class offspring, straight and correct, super athletic and so bold.
wonder how quickly we can persuade Mr Jones to let her have a third….
Cotebrook Ben McDhui
Islesfield Bridy